noonchi wellbeing check-up
for international schools in switzerland
Few things are as essential to the lives of students as their mental wellbeing. While most of your student population is healthy, well-adjusted, and appropriately engaged, some will have mental health issues that must be addressed.
Schools are uniquely positioned to address wellbeing at a crucial stage in an individual’s development.
A proactive structure focused on wellbeing will ensure that your students are fully equipped for life’s challenges.
your school’s wellbeing check-up
Noonchi will assess your school’s procedures and practices related to wellbeing, as well as gather feedback from students, staff, and other stakeholders.
It will provide a clear picture of the current state of wellbeing in your school and create a road map for integrating a considered, purposeful, and effective wellbeing program to ensure optimal mental health for all students and staff.
customizing our check-up to address your school’s specific requirements
The check-up will assess the state of:
- Belonging and connectedness
- Perceptions of safety and security
- Resilience to stress and negative experiences
- Student confidence and identity
- Mindfulness
- Channels by which students’ voices are heard
We can tailor the scope of our check-up to fit your needs by expanding or limiting our oversight.
As a stand-alone offering, we can assess your school’s internal and external wellbeing communication efforts and evaluate your marketing strategies around wellbeing. Our experts will evaluate how your school is communicating and amplifying its wellbeing initiatives.
- How is your school articulating and amplifying wellbeing initiatives?
- Is everyone connected and engaged?
- Do you raise awareness of wellbeing support options and access to resources?
- How are leadership messages about wellbeing communicated?
- How do you promote and uphold the school’s values?
- Does your school speak to issues people care about?
- How do you deliver feedback loops and act on that feedback?
Taking steps to improve student wellbeing can mitigate potential problems: criticism in times of crisis, legal and social liability, and more. But most importantly, a wellbeing check-up helps you and your staff provide improved mental health and wellbeing for all. That reflects well on your school and the future.
At Noonchi, our goal is to stand out from other providers by offering a local, personalized service that adds value to your school’s approach to wellbeing. Here are some of the benefits your school can expect from our services:
- Objective evaluation: Our independent and objective evaluations give a thorough look at how your school’s policies and practices affect the health and safety of its students.
- Identifying strengths and weaknesses: We help you figure out where your school does a great job with wellbeing and where it might need some work, so you can put your efforts and resources where they will do the most good.
- Best practices: Your school will have access to the best practices and suggestions from our experts in the field of wellbeing. This will help your school improve its overall approach over time.
- More accountability: Our services make your school more accountable and show that it cares about the health and safety of its students and staff.
- Better reputation: A well-done Noonchi Wellbeing Check-Up can improve the reputation of your school and show that it is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment.
- Our services don’t require additional resources or staffing. Our team of experts can provide tailored recommendations and advice to help your school improve its approach to wellbeing, all while being cost-effective.
As a local provider, Noonchi offers advantages, including:
- Expertise in the local context: We have a deep understanding of the local context and the specific needs of schools in Switzerland, which lets us make recommendations that are relevant and personalized.
- Customized service: We work closely with your school to build strong relationships and make sure our services meet your specific needs.
- Fast response times: Because we are based in Switzerland, we can respond quickly to your school’s requests and provide support and follow-up services in a timely manner.